Sunday, July 3, 2016

Bijonbo's Toastmasters Invocation

Bijonbo's trip to Mexico went without a hitch. He and Sancho Panza had a marvelous time on their adventures.

The next week after his return, Bijonbo attended a Toastmaster's meeting one evening. It was another one of his self-improvement projects, this one to become a better public speaker. It was his turn to deliver the Invocation. At a Toastmasters meeting, most people use the Invocation as an opportunity to practice leading a public prayer, but some recite a poem or offer words of imspiration. Bijonbo went to the podium and gave the following Invocation:

"What is virtue? Is it always being honest? Generous? Courteous? Mindful? Of these maybe mindful comes closest because it will adjust to changing circumstances. For example, in a machine is a virtuous gear one that is shinier than the others? Or one that fits into the machine and fulfills its purpose? Virtue, then, is fitness to do good as an  individual, and as part of society, and it adapts to changing circumstances. Therefore, virtue evolves!"

Bijonbo returned to his seat feeling good about his Invocation but the audience looked rather puzzled.

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