Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Return of Bijonbo

Brian was born in 1960 in Minnetonka, Minnesota, a suburb of Minneapolis. Actually the hospital was in nearby Saint Louis Park, so that is what his birth certificate says. But his early years were spent on Royal Court, near Glen Lake, in Minnetonka. His mother and older sisters loved him so and gave Brian several terms of endearment, including “angel-love-lamb-sugar blossom,” “Bri-Bri,” and his favorite: “Bijonbo.” You’ve heard of Dijon mustard? Well, Bijonbo is nearly the same except it has a long “i.” So it’s Bye-Jshun-Bo.


This story begins some 50 years later when Brian started considering different names to go by. Having just read The Count of Monte Cristo (aka Edmond Dantes) and now reading Don Quixote de La Mancha (aka Don Quexana), having tried the alias Morgan Baer for online anonymity, and having also tried Sir Brian of Franklin, and “Lafayette” Brian, which he uses when making gumbo, Brian finally hit on Bijonbo. And so it will be Bijonbo and His Adventures.

Since this blog starts, basically, now, that means all of Bijonbo’s adventures take place in the future. Yes that also means they are all fictional. If this blog is read years from now, it will be counter-factual history. But what are the chances a blog will be read years from now?

As we go on these adventure’s with Bijonbo, we will marvel at his gallantry as he coaches and counsels, deploys reason and humor, rights wrongs, and seeks that which is good, beautiful, and true. Lessons not yet learned, advice rarely solicited. He is a knight in shining armor coming to your emotional rescue! C’mon everybody! Let’s go!

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